Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Case of the Everlasting Balloon

Remember Bryce's birthday? The one that was about a month ago? I bought balloons for it, and we brought a couple home for Cole to play with. Within two days, the balloons had shrunk and lay listlessly on the floor.

All except one.

We call it mega-ultra-super balloon. It will not die. We keep it out of sheer curiosity, every day expecting to find it sadly lying on the floor. Today is Day 27, and still no signs of weakness.

Touche mega-ultra-super balloon; touche.


Bryce said...

One day it will evolve the ability to speak and have much to teach mankind.

Shay said...

Did you ever stop to think that maybe it is some sort of CIA spy device. You think it is a harmless balloon, really it is recording your every move. Have you checked to make sure there isn't some milk truck parked inconspicuously in front of your house?

jenn said...

Ha, ha! 27 days is a LONG time for a balloon to have life! It must be 100 in dog years.

Cassie said...

27 days? That is of the devil.