Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Do NOT Heart Valentine's Day

Cole's daycare did a little Valentine's Day celebration on Friday. It was adorable, all of the kids "decorated" cookies and exchanged valentines. Cole was not impressed.Apparently, he does not take after his mom because he is not a sugar fan - he would not eat his cookie and spat out the marshmallows he did try.His buddy Isak ate his cookie for him. What a friend!


Cassie said...

What, no sugar? How did he get so lucky to escape the Barber curse?

David and Jacquee said...

Crazy kid, if he only knew what he was missing out on:) I cannot believe how big he has gotten. He looks so grown up!

Mom of three ♥ said...

That is so funny that he spit out the marshmallows! I kinda wished that my kids had not gotten my sweet tooth!