Friday, November 27, 2009

Enforced Gratitude

I realize that I'm a day late, and I also realize it's pretty lame to really only think of things I'm grateful for on a holiday centered around eating until you explode, but I'm going to do it anyway. Lately, I've been really focused on the "have-to's" in life - laundry, work, cleaning up toys, planning dinner, doing dishes, cleaning up more toys. You get the idea. Anyway, I've been reading this book that says that as cheesy as it is, you have to find joy in the those have-to's, or basically you'll go crazy and end up face-first in a chocolate cake mumbling incoherently. Now, as enjoyable as chocolate cake is - the going crazy part is not necessarily appealing to me. So, here goes!

Things I Can't Do Without (in no particular order):
My family
My bed
Hot showers
Diet Pepsi
Jessica, Erin, and Brie (Cole's "Daycare Moms")
Dove Dark Chocolate Promises
My "Besties"
Cole's giggle
Pancake mix
"Clean House Smell"
Debit cards

It really is amazing how, when you really think about all the things you "have-to" do in life, you realize how horrible it would be if those things weren't there. (Like how much I dislike going to the grocery store. But what would the alternative be - growing my own food? Not eating at all?) So, for these things, and many more, I am truly grateful!


jenn said...

Amen on the grocery shopping! As much as I hate it I will totally think about that the next time I go. I will enjoy. :)

Hope you, Bryce and sweet little Cole had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Angie said...

what a great perspective!!!! I think I will steal that frame of mind this week! Be grateful for the little things in life that I complain about on other daze. (the letter between x and z doesn't work on the keeboard so I have to be smart about tieping.