Monday, October 5, 2009

New-Found Appreciation

On Saturday night, we had to take Cole to Primary Children's. He was running a temperature of nearly 106, which was scaring both Bryce and I to death. They took a bunch of tests and gave him a healthy dose of Motrin, and at about midnight, we were able to go home. He seems to be doing okay, keeping around 103, and should be back to normal within the next couple of days.

Even though it wasn't a huge emergency on the grand scheme of things, I couldn't believe how upsetting the experience was. It gave me an enormous sense of appreciation of families who have to go through having a child who is truly sick. I cannot imagine living with that sense of panic and helplessness day in and day out. I am so grateful Cole has been healthy so far, and hope he will continue down that path. Bryce and I are also appreciative for all the support we had from our families - including putting up with our late-night phone calls.

On one final note: can you bubble-wrap kids?


Shay said...

How scary! It doesn't matter how many times your kids get sick, the panic from a high fever never fades. I am glad he is doing better.

Mom of three ♥ said...

I am glad he is doing better as well. Sawyer was fevered a few days last week as well and it is scary! I also feel the same way about Primarys and seeing all those families that were there when Sawyer had his Tubes put in was sad to see and Lance and I were so grateful that we only had to be there one day and were able to go home. I feel for those families that basically live there everyday with their sweet kids!

Strong Family said...

Hope he gets better soon! One of my worst fears is having a very sick child. I remember when Ty was 9 months old and had the flu and pnemonia at the same time. That was really scary. Glad that Cole doesn't seem to have anything serious. And thank goodness for medicine and modern technology!

Leslie said...

Wow! So glad that he is doing better! Nothing worse as a parent then to have your child in a situation where you can't make it better, and have to depend on others to do so!

Cassie said...

So glad he is doing better. Tammy told me he was sick. I can't stand the thought of a sick baby. Glad Primary's took care of you.

Heidi said...

Fevers are so scary. I'm glad they got it back down and he is doing better. I must admit, with all the illnesses out there I am concidering living like a hermit until my kids are all 3 or so.

Josh and Anna said...

That is so scary, I hope he is feeling better soon!

Britt said...

Eek! Poor little Cole - I hope all of you will be feeling 100% soon!

Jenessa said...

I'm so glad his fever came down--a high fever like that is scary. It is no fun when kids get sick. Jocey was hospitalized twice before she was 2 because she couldn't breathe when she got a cold due to her asthma. The 2nd time they sent her home on oxygen. It does make you grateful for when they are well and for no chronic illnesses!

Aprile said...

Yes, you can bubble wrap your kids, but all you will hear for about an hour is "pop" "pop" "pop"!