Monday, June 23, 2008


One pair of ankles.
Last seen sporting strappy sandals and high-heeled pumps.
Now rumored to be wedged into the widest, flatest shoes available.
Please contact Danielle if you have any information!


Strong Family said...

My ankles were bad with Daniel because I worked full time behind a desk. Not much you can do about it. But drinking too much fluid will make it worse. Only drink what you need. I heard 12 when you are pregnant. And try and put your feet up as often as you can. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I lost my ankles, too! The good news is that they come back, and you'll think they're sexier than ever! Hang in there, and look for lots of cute flip flops! :)

powellpig2000 said...

That is nothing Danielle. I could show you some Cankles to make you feel better. Just remember that it is all worth it in the end.

Stacey said...

Oh, I'm sorry Daniel! Just think, you'll get a baby at the end of all this yucky stuff. :)

Cassie said...

Ankles-Smankles. Who needs them!

Shay said...

Mine didn't come back for two weeks after Afton was born, but it only makes me appreciate them more! Plus when the water finally is gone, it is an instant weight loss. (I swear I had 20 pounds of water weight!)

Aprile said...

I found the ankles...still missing the back side though. Gravity has no hold on a body until it has given birth. Then is just loses the battle altogether :( But hey, my son tells me I look pretty, so everyone else can just kiss my saggy rear end!

Mom of three ♥ said...

Yep, I am having the same issue! Just like Jen said keep them up as much as you can and good luck! I am almost done and can't wait to have mine back! lol..

jenn said...

Ohhhh...blast those darn pregnancy cankles!

sweet pickles said...

I remember those days. It does get better, but not nearly soon enough!